
make a movie of a sine-wave grating in a Gabor envelope

usage: gabor_movie width spatial_period phase orientation temporal_freq amplitude frame_rate duration

gabor_movie produces all the separate frames of a moving sine-wave grating. This is accomplished by invoking grating, gabor, and multimg. Frames are output as three-digit filenames with the extension ".bw". An explanation of parameters follows:
width integer pixels
spatial_period float pixels
phase float degrees from mean grey at centre of image
orientation float degrees from vertical
temporal_freq float Hertz
amplitude float -1..1 (negative values invert phase)
frame_rate float Hertz
duration float seconds

To produce output in a format other than SGI's, set the environment variable VISTIM_PLUGIN to the name of a converter that takes the filename of an SGI image as its first parameter and creates an image whose name is its second parameter. An extension for this second image can be specified in the VISTIM_EXT environment variable. For example, to produce PICT images use setenv VISTIM_PLUGIN topict; setenv VISTIM_EXT pct.

Author: Matthew Belmonte