
convert a GE Signa image to Silicon Graphics RLE format

usage: fromge inimg outimg width height offset min_pixel_value max_pixel_value

fromge translates the 16-bit unsigned binary image inimg, whose dimensions are given by the width and height parameters and whose data is stored in row-major order and begins at a file offset of offset bytes, into an RLE image whose name is outimg. 16-bit unsigned values in the interval [min_pixel_value, max_pixel_value] are projected onto the 8-bit unsigned range 0..255. 16-bit unsigned values less than min_pixel_value are mapped to 0, and those greater than max_pixel_value are mapped to 255. Default values for width, height, offset, min_pixel_value, and max_pixel_value are, respectively, 256, 256, 14336, 0, and 1024.

Author: Matthew Belmonte