Matthew Belmonte
What to do with a BA in English literature and computer science, an MFA in fiction, a PhD in neuroscience and experience in food service work?
Erdös number: 3
Matthew Belmonte → Eric Lander → Daniel Kleitman → Paul Erdös
If you request a password for any of these papers, it might arrive in your spam folder, especially if you’re using Gmail or Yahoo.
- How Individuals and Institutions Can Learn to Make Room for Human Cognitive Diversity: A Personal Perspective from my Life in Neuroscience. In: Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm (Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Nick Chown & Anna Stenning, eds.), pp 172-190. London: Routledge, 2 June 2020.
- The Father, the Foreigner, and the Deep Wide Water: A Family History with Autism. Families: a journal of representations (Kolkata) 8(2)-9(1):109-123 (2011).
- Autism Connects Us. In: Siblings and Autism: Stories Spanning Generations and Cultures (Debra Cumberland & Bruce Mills, eds.), pp 93-111. London: Jessica Kingsley, 15 December 2010 (c2011).
- Human, but More So: What the Autistic Brain Tells Us about the Process of Narrative. In: Autism and Representation (Mark Osteen, ed.), pp 166-179. New York: Routledge, 23 November 2007 (c2008).
- The Yellow Raincoat. In: Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Sherry Turkle, ed.), pp 70-75. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 30 June 2007.
- If parents feel heard, they'll listen to reason on vaccines. The Boston Globe, 7 February 2025
- Let’s put rancour aside as the euphemism treadmill rolls on. The Guardian, 26 October 2022
- No, girls are not put off by ‘hard maths’, Katharine Birbalsingh. The Guardian, 28 April 2022
- Neurodiversity and the problem with labels. The Guardian, 21 December 2021
- The Modi government’s Hindutva allies confuse God with idols. Scroll, 4 January 2015
- How to evaluate the ‘intense world’ paradigm? Moderate value. Spectrum News, 11 February 2014
- Put the U.S. troops on flood duty in Pakistan. The Washington Post, 17 August 2010
- Autism: What Research Is Needed? The New York Times, 25 June 2007
- The Trouble Is Not in Your Set. Time, 20 November 2006
- Unraveling Autism. The Washington Post, 3 April 2000, page A16.
- Elin Williams, Nick Thompson, Gareth McCray, Maria Crespo-Llado, Supriya Bhavnani, Diksha Gajria, Debarati Mukherjee, Teresa Del Bianco, Georgia Lockwood-Estrin, Luke Mason, Vukiwe Ngoma, Chisomo Namathanga, Richard Nkhata, Allan Bennie, Alok Ranjan, Ulemu Kawelama, Naina Midha, Anindita Singh, Innocent Mpakiza, Akshat Gautam, Sheffali Gulati, Mark Johnson, Gillian Lancaster, Matthew Belmonte, Emily Jones, Vikram Patel, Sharat Chandran, Emmie Mbale, Gauri Divan, Melissa Gladstone, Bhismadev Chakrabarti. Scalable Transdiagnostic Early Assessment of Mental Health (STREAM): A study protocol. BMJ Open 14:e088263 (13 June 2024).
- Indu Dubey, Rahul Bishain, Jayashree Dasgupta, Supriya Bhavnani, Matthew Belmonte, Teodora Gliga, Debarati Mukherjee, Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Mark Johnson, Sharat Chandran, Vikram Patel, Sheffali Gulati, Gauri Divan, Bhismadev Chakrabarti. Using mobile health technology to assess childhood autism in low-resource community settings in India: An innovation to address the detection gap. Autism 28(3):755-769 (4 March 2024; online 17 July 2023).
- Indu Dubey, Simon Brett, Liliana Ruta, Rahul Bishain, Sharat Chandran, Supriya Bhavnani, Matthew Belmonte, Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Mark Johnson, Teodora Gliga, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, on behalf of the START consortium. Quantifying preference for social stimuli in young children using two tasks on a mobile platform. PLoS ONE 17(6):e0265587 (1 June 2022).
- Penny Standen, David Brown, Gosia Kwiatkowska, Matthew Belmonte, Maria Galvez Trigo, Helen Boulton, Andy Burton, Madeline Hallewell, Nick Shopland, Maria Blanco Gonzalez, Elena Milli, Stefano Cobello, Annaleda Mazzucato, Marco Traversi. Teachers’ Perspectives on the Adoption of an Adaptive Learning System Based on Multimodal Affect Recognition for Students with Learning Disabilities and Autism. Adaptive Instructional Systems. Design and Evaluation. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12792:436-452 (3 July 2021).
- Ailbhe McKinney, Kat Hotson, Zahra Ahmed, Claudia Días, Dorit Ben Shalom, Emma Weisblatt, Juliet Foster, Sofía Villar, Suzanne Murphy, Matthew Belmonte. Overcoming Hurdles to Intervention Studies with Autistic Children with Profound Communication Difficulties and their Families. Autism 25(6):1627-1639 (7 April 2021).
- Madhushree Chakrabarty, Gargi Dasgupta, Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya. Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A preliminary study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 63(1):74-79 (15 February 2021).
- Subhadip Paul, Aditi Arora, Rashi Midha, Dinh Vu, Prasun Roy, Matthew Belmonte. Autistic traits and individual brain differences: Functional Network Efficiency Reflects Attentional and Social Impairments, Structural Nodal Efficiencies Index Systemising and Theory-of-Mind Skills. Molecular Autism 12:3 (21 January 2021).
- Ailbhe McKinney, Kat Hotson, Alicia Rybicki, Emma Weisblatt, Claudia Días, Juliet Foster, Sofía Villar, Suzanne Murphy, Matthew Belmonte. Point OutWords: Protocol for a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial of a Motor Skills Intervention to Promote Communicative Development in Non-Verbal Children with Autism. Trials 21:109 (23 January 2020).
- Emma Weisblatt, Caroline Langensiepen, Bev Cook, Claudia Dias, Kate Plaisted Grant, Manuj Dhariwal, Meggie Fairclough, Susan Friend, Amy Malone, Bela Varga-Elmiyeh, Alicia Rybicki, Prathibha Karanth, Matthew Belmonte. A Tablet Computer-Assisted Motor and Language Skills Training Program to Promote Communication Development in Children with Autism: Development and Pilot Study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 35(8):643-665 (27 March 2019).
- Alex Sumich, John Anderson, Christina Howard, Nadja Heym, Antonio Castro, Josh Baker, Matthew Belmonte. Reduction in Lower-Alpha Power during Ganzfeld Flicker Stimulation is Associated with the Production of Imagery and Trait Positive Schizotypy. Neuropsychologia 121:79-87 (December 2018).
- Rosie Deane, Matthew Belmonte. Caregiver Involvement Makes the Difference between Repetitive Behaviours and Engaged Learning in a Computer-Assisted Therapy for Autism. In: Standen PJ, Cobb S, Brown DJ, Gamito P, Appiah K (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies. Reading: University of Reading, pp 204-208 (29 August 2018).
- Christina Howard, Hayley Boulton, Emily Brown, Craig Arnold, Matthew Belmonte, Suvo Mitra. Engagement of the Motor System in Position Monitoring: Reduced Distractor Suppression and Effects of Internal Representation Quality on Motor Kinematics. Experimental Brain Research 236(5):1445-1460 (May 2018).
- Luke Patrick Wilson Rogers, John Robertson, Mike Marriott, Matthew Belmonte. Social Cognition in Intellectually Disabled Male Criminal Offenders: A Deficit in Affect Perception?. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour 9(1):32-48 (21 March 2018).
- Christina Howard, Craig Arnold, Matthew Belmonte. Slower Resting Alpha Frequency is Associated with Superior Localisation of Moving Targets. Brain and Cognition 117:97-107 (October 2017).
- Aloka Rudra, Matthew Belmonte, Parmeet Soni, Saoni Banerjee, Shaneel Mukerji, Bhisma Chakrabarti. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autistic Symptoms in a School-Based Cohort of Children in Kolkata, India. Autism Research 10(10):1597-1605 (October 2017).
- Aloka Rudra, JR Ram, Tom Loucas, Matthew Belmonte, Bhisma Chakrabarti. Bengali Translation and Characterisation of Four Cognitive and Trait Measures for Autism Spectrum Conditions in India. Molecular Autism 7:50 (3 December 2016).
- Matthew Belmonte, Emma Weisblatt, Alicia Rybicki, Bev Cook, Caroline Langensiepen, David Brown, Manuj Dhariwal, Tanushree Saxena-Chandhok, Prathibha Karanth. Can Computer-Assisted Training of Prerequisite Motor Skills Help Enable Communication in People with Autism? Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Xplore (October 2016).
- Matthew Belmonte, Tanushree Saxena-Chandhok, Ruth Cherian, Reema Muneer, Lisa George, Prathibha Karanth. Oral Motor Deficits in Speech-Impaired Children with Autism. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 7:47 (1 July 2013).
- Jeff Valla, Jeff Maendel, Barbara Ganzel, Andrew Barsky, Matthew Belmonte. Autistic Trait Interactions Underlie Sex-Dependent Facial Recognition Abilities in the Normal Population. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences 4:286 (31 May 2013).
- Grace Chen, Keith Yoder, Barbara Ganzel, Matthew Goodwin, Matthew Belmonte. Harnessing Repetitive Behaviours to Engage Attention and Learning in a Novel Therapy for Autism. Frontiers in Educational Psychology 3:12 (16 February 2012).
- Keith Yoder, Matthew Belmonte. Combining Computer Game-Based Behavioural Experiments with High-Density EEG and Infrared Gaze Tracking. Journal of Visualized Experiments 46:2320 (December 2010).
- Jeff Valla, Barbara Ganzel, Keith Yoder, Grace Chen, Laura Lyman, Tony Sidari, Allie Keller, Jeff Maendel, Jordan Perlman, Stephanie Wong, Matthew Belmonte. More than Maths and Mindreading: Sex Differences in Empathising/Systemising Covariance. Autism Research 3(4):174-184 (August 2010).
- Matthew Belmonte, Marie Gomot, Simon Baron-Cohen. Visual Attention in Autism Families: ‘Unaffected’ Sibs Share Atypical Frontal Activation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51(3):259-276 (March 2010).
- Marie Gomot, Matthew Belmonte, Ed Bullmore, Frédéric Bernard, Simon Baron-Cohen. Brain Hyper-Reactivity to Auditory Novel Targets in Children with High-Functioning Autism. Brain 131(9):2479-2488 (September 2008).
- Yoram Bonneh, Matthew Belmonte, Francesca Pei, Portia Iversen, Tal Kenet, Natacha Akshoomoff, Yael Adini, Helen Simon, Chris Moore, John Houde, Mike Merzenich. Cross-Modal Extinction in a Boy with Severely Autistic Behaviour and High Verbal Intelligence. Cognitive Neuropsychology 25(5):635-652 (2008).
- Jonathan Butler, Iain MacCallum, Michael Kleber, Ilya Shlyakhter, Matthew Belmonte, Eric Lander, Chad Nusbaum, David Jaffe. ALLPATHS: de novo Assembly of Whole-Genome Shotgun Microreads. Genome Research 18(5):810-820 (May 2008).
- Matthew Belmonte, Ruth Carper. Monozygotic Twins with Asperger Syndrome: Differences in Behaviour Reflect Variations in Brain Structure and Function. Brain and Cognition 61(1):110-121 (June 2006).
- Marie Gomot, Frédéric Bernard, Matt Davis, Matthew Belmonte, Chris Ashwin, Ed Bullmore. Change Detection in Children with Autism: An Auditory Event-Related fMRI Study. NeuroImage 29(2):475-484 (January 2006).
- Geoff Schmidt, Matthew Belmonte. Scalable, Content-Based Audio Identification by Multiple Independent Psychoacoustic Matching. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 52(4):366-377 (April 2004).
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd. Functional Anatomy of Impaired Selective Attention and Compensatory Processing in Autism. Cognitive Brain Research 17(3):651-664 (October 2003).
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd. Anatomic Dissociation of Selective and Suppressive Processes in Visual Attention. NeuroImage 19(1):180-189 (May 2003).
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd. Permutation Testing Made Practical for Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 20(3):243-248 (March 2001).
- Matthew Belmonte. Abnormal Attention in Autism Shown by Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials. Autism 4(3):269-285 (September 2000).
- Matthew Belmonte. Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention Modulate a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential. Cognitive Brain Research 6(4):295-307 (April 1998).
- Matthew Belmonte, Brian Egaas, Jeanne Townsend, Eric Courchesne. NMR Intensity of Corpus Callosum Differs with Age but not with Diagnosis of Autism. NeuroReport 6(9):1253-1256 (19 June 1995).
- Debarati Mukherjee, Supriya Bhavnani, Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Vaisnavi Rao, Jayashree Dasgupta, Hiba Irfan, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, Vikram Patel, Matthew Belmonte. Digital tools for direct assessment of autism risk during early childhood: A systematic review. Autism 28(1):6-31 (5 January 2024; online 7 November 2022).
- Matthew Belmonte. Motor symptoms in the ASD diagnostic criteria: A conservative perspective. Autism Research 15(9):1582-1584 (15 August 2022).
- Matthew Belmonte. Other and Other Waters in the River: Autism and the Futility of Prediction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e122 (19 June 2020).
- Matthew Belmonte. Obligatory processing of task-irrelevant stimuli: A hallmark of autistic cognitive style within and beyond the diagnosis. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2(6):461-463 (September 2017).
- Jayashree Dasgupta, Supriya Bhavnani, Georgia Lockwood-Estrin, Debarati Mukherjee, Arpan Banerjee, Matthew Belmonte, Bhisma Chakrabarti, Gauri Divan, Geri Dawson, Mark Johnson, Jamie McPartland, Nandini Singh, Vikram Patel. Translating neuroscience to the front lines: Point-of-care detection of neuropsychiatric disorders. Lancet Psychiatry 3(10):915-917 (October 2016).
- Jeff Valla, Matthew Belmonte. Detail-oriented cognitive style and social communicative deficits, within and beyond the autism spectrum: independent traits that grow into developmental interdependence. Developmental Review 33(4):371-398 (December 2013).
- Matthew Belmonte. The autism spectrum as a source of cognitive and cultural diversity. Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences Journal 3:S46-S54 (2011).
- Keith Yoder, Matthew Belmonte. Information Processing and Integration. In: Autism Spectrum Disorders (DG Amaral, G Dawson & DH Geschwind, eds.). New York: Oxford University Press (April 2011).
- Michael Lombardo, Simon Baron-Cohen, Matthew Belmonte, Bhisma Chakrabarti. Neural Endophenotypes for Social Behaviour in Autism Spectrum Conditions. In: Handbook of Social Neuroscience (J Decety & J Cacioppo, eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011).
- Matthew Belmonte. Neurobiology of Narrative. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences (P Hogan, ed.), pp 538-542. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (January 2010).
- Matthew Belmonte. What’s the Story behind ‘Theory of Mind’ and Autism? Journal of Consciousness Studies 16(6-8):118-139 (June-August 2009).
- Matthew Belmonte, Yoram Bonneh, Yael Adini, Portia Iversen, Natacha Akshoomoff, Tal Kenet, Chris Moore, Helen Simon, John Houde, Mike Merzenich. Autism Overflows with Syntheses [letter]. Neuropsychology Review 19(2):273-274 (June 2009).
- Simon Baron-Cohen, Ofer Golan, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, Matthew Belmonte. Social Cognition and Autism Spectrum Conditions. In: Social Cognition and Developmental Psychopathology (C Sharp, P Fonagy, I Goodyer, eds.), pp 29-56. Oxford: Oxford University Press (4 September 2008).
- Matthew Belmonte. The ‘Mechanism’ of Human Cognitive Variation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31(3):263-264 (June 2008).
- Matthew Belmonte. Does the Experimental Scientist Have a ‘Theory of Mind’? Review of General Psychology 12(2):192-204 (June 2008).
- Matthew Belmonte, John Mazziotta, Nancy Minshew, Alan Evans, Eric Courchesne, Steve Dager, Susan Bookheimer, Elizabeth Aylward, David Amaral, Rita Cantor, Diane Chugani, Anders Dale, Christos Davatzikos, Guido Gerig, Martha Herbert, Janet Lainhart, Declan Murphy, Joe Piven, Allan Reiss, Bob Schultz, Tom Zeffiro, Susan Levi-Pearl, Clara Lajonchere, Sophia Colamarino. Offering to Share: How to Put Heads Together in Autism Neuroimaging. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 38(1):2-13 (January 2008).
- Matthew Belmonte, Thomas Bourgeron. Fragile X Syndrome and Autism at the Intersection of Genetic and Neural Networks. Nature Neuroscience 9(10):1221-1225 (October 2006).
- Matthew Belmonte. Abnormal Visual Motion Processing as a Neural Endophenotype of Autism. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive / Current Psychology of Cognition 23(1-2):65-74 (2005).
- Simon Baron-Cohen, Rebecca Knickmeyer, Matthew Belmonte. Sex Differences in the Brain: Implications for Explaining Autism. Science 310(5749):819-823 (4 November 2005).
Comment in Science 311(5763):952 (17 February 2006).
- Simon Baron-Cohen, Matthew Belmonte. Autism: A Window onto the Development of the Social and the Analytic Brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience 28:109-126 (2005).
- Matthew Belmonte, Greg Allen, Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, Lisa Boulanger, Ruth Carper, Sara Webb. Autism and Abnormal Development of Brain Connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience 24(42):9228-9231 (20 October 2004).
- Matthew Belmonte, Ed Cook, George Anderson, John Rubenstein, William Greenough, Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, Eric Courchesne, Lisa Boulanger, Susan Powell, Pat Levitt, Elaine Perry, Yong-hui Jiang, Timothy DeLorey, Elaine Tierney. Autism as a Disorder of Neural Information Processing: Directions for Research and Targets for Therapy, Molecular Psychiatry 9(7):646-663 (July 2004).
- Matthew Belmonte, Ruth Carper. Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Clues to the Nature of Autism. In: Neuroimaging in Child Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Bernard Garreau, ed.), pp 157-171. Paris: Springer, 1998.
- Computer Science, and Why: Science, Language, and Literature (1989). Unionville, New York: Trillium Press, 1993. An introduction to basic theoretical computer science, along with discussions of the underlying philosophical notions and their appearances in history and literature. The thesis that science and literature are two facets of the same fascination: creation within the system of a language, a culture, a formal specification; the game of symbols and encodings.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Can Efficiency of Frontal Activation Rescue Unaffected Sibs from the Autism Phenotype?', Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, 17-21 October 2009.
- Grace Chen, Matthew Belmonte, `Efficacy of a Prompted-Pointing Therapy in Improving Learning Behavior in Non-Speaking Children with Autism', International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, 7-9 May 2009.
- Matthew Belmonte, `An Extensible, Experimental Video Game for Autism Research and Therapy', International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, 7-9 May 2009.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Cognitive and Physiological Variation within and beyond the Autism Phenotype', International Conference on Innovative Research in Autism, Tours, France, 15-17 April 2009.
- Matthew Belmonte, `A New Way to Study and to Treat Autism Spectrum Conditions: Video Games for Ecologically Valid Measurement and Therapy', International Meeting for Autism Research, London, 15-17 May 2008.
- Matthew Belmonte, Marie Gomot, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Visual Attention in Autism Families: "Unaffected" Sibs Share Atypical Frontal Activation but not Atypical Functional Connectivity', Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 3-7 November 2007.
- Matthew Belmonte, Marie Gomot, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Who in a Susceptible Family Develops Autism? A Question of Functional Connectivity', International Meeting for Autism Research, Seattle, 3-5 May 2007.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Does the Experimental Scientist Have a "Theory of Mind"?', From the Brain to Human Culture, Bucknell University, 20-22 April 2007.
- Matthew Belmonte, Marie Gomot, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Hypoactivation and Hypoconnectivity of Integrative Brain Regions in a Non-Social Attention Task in Autism-Spectrum Boys and their Normal Brothers', International Meeting for Autism Research, Montréal, 1-3 June 2006.
- Marie Gomot, Frederic Bernard, Matthew Belmonte, Ed Bullmore, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Brain Activation Associated with Novelty Detection in Autism: An fMRI Study', Organization for Human Brain Mapping 12th annual meeting, Firenze, 11-15 June 2006.
- Marie Gomot, Frederic Bernard, Matt Davis, Matthew Belmonte, Chris Ashwin, Edward Bullmore, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Automatic Auditory Change Detection in Children with Autism: An Event-Related fMRI Study', 4th Conference on Mismatch Negativity and its Clinical and Scientific Applications, Cambridge, 22-26 April 2006.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Autism and the Narrative Organisation of Perceptual and Cognitive Experience', Literature and the Cognitive Sciences, Storrs, Connecticut, 6-9 April 2006.
- Matthew Belmonte, Human, but More So: What the Autistic Brain Tells Us about the Process of Narrative', Autism and Representation: Writing, Cognition, Disability (Society for Critical Exchange), Cleveland, 28-30 October 2005.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Brain Connectivity and Narrative Coherence in Autism', Autism Cymru (Cardiff), 17-21 October 2005.
- Matthew Belmonte, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Normal Sibs of Children with Autism Share Negative Frontal but not Positive Sensory Abnormalities: Preliminary Evidence from fMRI during Processing of Visual Distractors', Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 30 (2004).
- Matthew Belmonte [chair], Greg Allen, Sara Jane Webb, Ruth Carper, Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, Lisa Boulanger, `Autism and Abnormal Development of Brain Connectivity: Functional Consequences and Possible Neural Antecedents', Society for Neuroscience mini-symposium, San Diego, October 2004.
- Matthew Belmonte, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Small-world Network Properties and the Emergence of Social Cognition: Evidence from Functional Studies of Autism', 3rd International Conference on Development and Learning: Developing Social Brains, San Diego, October 2004.
- Marie Gomot, Matthew Belmonte, Simon Baron-Cohen, `Auditory Change Detection in Autism: an fMRI Study', International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, May 2004.
- Matthew Belmonte, Simon Baron-Cohen, `fMRI of Event-Related Response to Visual Distractors in Autism', International Meeting for Autism Research, Sacramento, May 2004.
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `Functional Anatomy of Compensatory Processing in Autistic Attention: Complementary Roles of Selection and Suppression', International Meeting for Autism Research, Orlando, November 2002.
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `Enhancement and Suppression during Shifting of Visual Spatial Attention: An fMRI Study of Normal and Autistic Responses', Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27 (2001).
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `fMRI Evidence for Generalised Arousal as a Substitute for Early Selection in Autism during Conditions of Shifting Visual Spatial Attention', International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, November 2001.
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `An Optimised Permutation Test for fMRI Analysis', International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Glasgow, April 2001.
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `An Optimised Permutation Test for fMRI Analysis', fMRI Experience III, King's College London, April 2001.
- Matthew Belmonte, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, `Posterior Cortical Activation in Directed Attention: An fMRI Study', Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, 2001.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Physiological Evidence for Loss of Fine Attentional Control in Autism', Sixth Autism-Europe Congress, Glasgow, May 2000.
- Matthew Belmonte, Kurt Thoroughman, `Neuroscience for High-Ability Secondary School Students', Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23:280 (1997).
- Matthew Belmonte, `Abnormal Attention in Autism Demonstrated by Lack of Modulation of a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential', Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, 1997.
- Matthew Belmonte, `Modulation of a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential by Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention in Normal Subjects and in People with Autism', Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 22:433 (1996).
- Matthew Belmonte, Eric Courchesne, `Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention Modulate a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential', Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, 1996.
- Jaime A Pineda, Kathy Shafer, Matthew Belmonte, `Noradrenergic Modulation of Auditory and Visual P300 in Parietal-Temporal Cortex', Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19:1607 (1993).
- Full Abstraction (1990). Ithaca, New York: Pathos Press, 1992. A novel of determinism, entropy, and abstraction.
- `Europe by Train', The Risley Revue (Ithaca, New York: Pathos Press), May 1991.
- `Tales of a Modern Knight', Visions (Ithaca, New York: Visions Magazine, Inc.), spring 1990.
- `Upon This Bank and Shoal of Time', Praxis (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University), fall 1989.
- `Life Trip', Visions, spring 1988.
- Alan Richardson / The Neural Sublime: Cognitive Theories and Romantic Texts
The Keats-Shelley Journal 61 (2012) (abridged).
(Kindly read the unabridged edition of this review, which the editors would not allow to be hyperlinked or mentioned in print or online.)
- Steven Pinker / Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language
The Boston Book Review, November 1999.
- Howard I Kushner / A Cursing Brain? The Histories of Tourette Syndrome
The Washington Times, Sunday 13 June 1999, page B8.
- Thomas F Gieryn / Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the Line
The Boston Book Review 6(2), March 1999, page 19.
- François Jacob / Of Flies, Mice and Men
The Boston Book Review 6(1), January-February 1999, page 15.
- Frank R Wilson / The Hand
The Washington Times, Sunday 20 September 1998, page B7.
- Jonathan Lear / Open Minded
The Washington Times, Sunday 9 August 1998, page B8.
- Steven Pinker / How the Mind Works
The Washington Times, Sunday 9 November 1997, page B8.
- Marc Flitter / Judith's Pavilion
The Washington Times, Sunday 6 April 1997, page B8.
- Oliver Sacks / The Island of the Colorblind
The Washington Times, Sunday 16 February 1997, page B8.
- Joe LeDoux / The Emotional Brain
The Washington Times, Sunday 1 December 1996, page B8.
- Temple Grandin / Thinking in Pictures
The Washington Times, Sunday 26 November 1995, page B7.
- Sue Savage-Rumbaugh and Roger Lewin / Kanzi: The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind
David H Freedman / Brainmakers
Claus Emmeche / The Garden in the Machine: The Emerging Science of Artificial Life
John McCrone / The Myth of Irrationality: The Science of the Mind from Plato to Star Trek
John G Taylor / When the Clock Struck Zero: Science's Unfathomable Universe
The Washington Post Book World, Sunday 23 October 1994, page 10.
- Sheila Tobias / Overcoming Math Anxiety
Edmund Ferrell / Mathopedia: the Omni guide to math for everyone
Stanley Kogelman and Barbara R. Heller / The Only Math Book You'll Ever Need
The Washington Post Education Review, Sunday 7 August 1994, page 24.
- Richard Restak / Receptors
The Washington Times, Sunday 15 May 1994, page B7.
Reprinted in Insight on the News 10(24) (13 June 1994), page 29.
- Francis Crick / The Astonishing Hypothesis
The Washington Times, Sunday 20 February 1994, page B8.