Matthew Belmonte
Printing press operator at Risley College, Cornell (1988-1992), and for the MIT Lecture Series Committee (1998-2002). Operated letterpress machines (platen jobber and galley proof models) and offset duplicators (AB Dick 367 and 3880).
Sandwich maker at the Ché Café, University of
California San Diego, June 1992 - June 1994. Prepared and packaged sandwiches
for retail sale.
Kitchen worker at Risley Dining, Cornell University, January - May
1990 & 1991, and August 1991 to May 1992. Supervised shifts of student
employees and saw to the proper operation of a university dining hall.
Literature editor at Visions Magazine, Incorporated (Ithaca, New
York) May - November 1988. Reviewed submissions of fiction and poetry.